Social media as a source of adverse drug effects

Veracuity Blog Social media as a source of adverse drug effects People increasingly turn to online sources to search for health-related information, investigate options they have, and only then decide whether it is worth investing time and money to get the qualified opinion of a healthcare professional. Pew Research Center asked U.S. adults about their…

Digital epidemiology in pharmacovigilance

Veracuity Blog Digital epidemiology in pharmacovigilance One of the most important shortcomings of the current pharmacovigilance data collection system is the fact that the FDA Adverse Drug Event Reporting System (FAERS) does not provide any insight into the incidence, prevalence, and rates of occurrence of adverse drug events in the post-approval period [1]. To improve…

Pharmacovigilance at a crossroads

Veracuity Blog Pharmacovigilance at a crossroads The global pharmacovigilance market is growing and is still expected to grow. In 2013, post-market safety surveillance accounted for 60% of the global pharmacovigilance market and should reach $6 billion by 2020. Main drivers for increased reporting of adverse drug reactions include compliance requirements and liability resulting from high-profile…